Primary Objectives
Advancing the Foundation’s four priorities in U.S. policy
Educating U.S. policy makers from across the political spectrum on Central American realities in the four priority areas
Facilitating and strengthening the voices of Foundation’s Central American partners in U.S. policy discussions
SIF´S Priorities
Rule of law
Support for anti-corruption efforts in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
Prioritize democratic governance, rule of law, and strengthen anti-corruption efforts in United States policy.
Promote greater private sector engagement in anti-corruption and rule of law efforts.
Mitigating migration and displacement
Support efforts to maintain TPS for Salvadorans and Hondurans.
Ensure U.S. policy and assistance addresses drivers of migration especially violence reduction and crime prevention.
Highlight problems of forced displacement within Central America.
Encourage Central American governments to accept responsibility for and take action to address the drivers of migration.
Support for civil society
Provide strategic advice to civil society networks in the four priority countries.
Accompany strategic partners in policy education and advocacy work.
Increase U.S. support for independent civil society organizations such as independent journalists and organizations that monitor, evaluate and engage in government oversight.
Estado de excepción en El Salvador: ¿Se están cometiendo crímenes de lesa humanidad bajo el amparo de la estrategia de seguridad nacional?
Frente al presunto éxito de la política del Gobierno de El Salvador de “cero tolerancia” a las pandillas y que ha implicado encarcelamientos masivos y supuestos juicios sumarios, cientos de muertes en custodia, torturas y malos tratos documentados, vale la pena analizar la posibilidad de que las autoridades estén cometiendo delitos en el desarrollo de esta política.