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United States’ Elections and the fight against corruption in Central America


November 18, 2020


01:00pm-02:30pm EST




The result of the presidential election in the United States will mark a new stage in the country’s relations with Central America. Despite efforts in increase transparency in government, in recent years several Central American governments have taken steps backwards in the fight against corruption in the public sector. President-elect Joe Biden's platform includes the fight against corruption as one of its main pillars. In this webinar, leading analysts with experience in regional anti-corruption efforts will discuss the implications of the US elections on strengthening these institutions and promoting transparency in the region.
The event will be held in Spanish.


Claudia Paz y Paz

Former Attorney General of Guatemala, and Director

CEJIL, Central America and Mexico Program

Luis Guillermo Solis

Former President of Costa Rica, and Interim Director

Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center, FIU

Ricardo Zúñiga

Senior Diplomatic Fellow

Latin America Program – Wilson Center


Adriana Beltrán


Citizen Security Program and Central America Monitor, Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)