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Corruption, shedding light on what’s hidden: Honduras


October 14, 2020


10:00am CST





INCAE Business School’s Latin American Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (CLACDS) and Seattle International Foundation (SIF) invite you to a presentation of the study, “Corruption, shedding light on what’s hidden: Honduras.” This webinar will be held in Spanish on October 14, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.

At the end of 2019, we held the “Conference on Corruption and Economic Development” in which presenters discussed the causes and consequences of corruption on economic development and social progress and reviewed best practices for the public and private sector to fight against corruption in the region. Additionally, we developed a multisectoral workshop on corruption and economic development, which aimed to identify the main areas of intervention and to formulate key recommendations to combat corruption. These events led to developing the study, “Corruption, shedding light on what’s hidden.” In the study, you can find information on Central American countries, as well as the key problems, strategies and possible solutions related to corruption.