We updated our logo and grew our SIF family

In 2019, we launched a new website and renewed our logos for SIF and its programs to better align with the work we do in favor of youth, leadership, cross-sector partnerships, connections with the United States, democracy, rule of law, equity, good governance and mitigating forced migration. We also added 6 new professionals to our team, each with extensive experience. We now have 20 members of our team. located across 6 countries and 8 cities.

We delivered 104 Grants

We distributed 104 grants to 71 grantee partners located in 20 different countries. 77% of our financial support was delivered in Central America and Mexico and funds were allocated for good governance and rule of law, civil society, equity and the reduction of forced migration. Find the full list in our Grants section.

CADF went to Tegucigalpa

The Central America Donors Forum (CADF) was held for the first time in Honduras with the central theme, “Progress at the Crossroads”. In its 9th year, more than 450 people from 14 countries participated, representing the business and philanthropic sector, government and civil society. We had more than 40  panels, workshops and site visits that promoted discussion on migration, democracy and social movements in Central America. CADF 2020 will be in San José, Costa Rica.

Centroamérica Adelante continued its progress

Our successful leadership program, Centroamérica Adelante (CAA), accepted 32 participants from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. This third edition focused on mitigating the causes of migration in the Northern Triangle and culminated in the presentation of 6 pilot projects supported by SIF with seed funding. CAA participants also attended CADF 2019, a forum on migration in Washington DC and the Fund for Global Human Rights’ annual conference.

We strengthened our CA in DC initiative

The Central America in Washington, DC (CA in DC) initiative, in association with universities and organizations, put on 5 presentations of the Report of the Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) on the violent events that occurred in Nicaragua in 2018. In partnership with the Wilson Center, SIF held the first conference on security, migration and rule of law in Central America and published the report “What if They Return? How El Salvador, Honduras, and the United States could prepare for an effective reintegration of TPS Beneficiaries.”

The CAMY Fund amplified the voices of young people

The Central America and Mexico Youth Fund (CAMY Fund) awarded more than 30 grants to youth organizations and collectives in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico and Belize (31% more than in 2018) and held its first Latin American Meeting of Young Women Activists – We Decide (Encuentro Latinoamericano de Mujeres Jóvenes Activistas – Nosotras Decidimos) in El Salvador. The CAMY Fund also co-organized the first regional workshop in Mexico on early unions and child marriage, participated in the HIPLeaders 2019 program and in the International Visitors Leadership Program in the USA, among other activities.