Estado de excepción en El Salvador: ¿Se están cometiendo crímenes de lesa humanidad bajo el amparo de la estrategia de seguridad nacional?

Estado de excepción en El Salvador: ¿Se están cometiendo crímenes de lesa humanidad bajo el amparo de la estrategia de seguridad nacional?

Frente al presunto éxito de la política del Gobierno de El Salvador de “cero tolerancia” a las pandillas y que ha implicado encarcelamientos masivos y supuestos juicios sumarios, cientos de muertes en custodia, torturas y malos tratos documentados, vale la pena analizar la posibilidad de que las autoridades estén cometiendo delitos en el desarrollo de esta política.

El Salvador’s February 4th Election: Eight Keys to Understanding the Political Context and Likely Results

El Salvador’s February 4th Election: Eight Keys to Understanding the Political Context and Likely Results

In an effort to provide context for the upcoming elections, we highlight eight important factors to consider in assessing the political landscape in El Salvador. While this document acknowledges President Bukele’s personal popularity, it also places it in a broader political context so that United States policy makers can understand the growing threats to democracy his re-election represents.

US Foreign Aid To The Northern Triangle 2014–2019

US Foreign Aid To The Northern Triangle 2014–2019

Jeff Ernst, Kelly Josh, Eric L. Olson, Kristen Sample and Ricardo Zúñiga, the authors of this report, interviewed current and former US officials and development practitioners who carried out US assistance in the 2014–19 period, as well as experts and beneficiaries in the Northern Triangle, to gain their insights regarding the overall efficacy of this assistance. Ideally, the lessons learned through this exercise will inform current and future efforts to promote sustainable, positive change in the three countries.